I was originally thinking of doing cell shaded cgi, Adam's reaction wasn't one of support, a simple "Nooooooooooooooooooo" uttered and there goes those prospects. Anyway, the idea behind doing cellshaded cgi was to have a cartoony feel to the cgi as cgi that's too realistic, clean and polished doesn't really appeal, plus in the time span, I don't think it's possible. Here's some cell shaded cgi stuff that I liked and although I'm no longer going for that route, I still like the look of it and want to aim for something similar using the power of lighting!
Images of Afro Samurai, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and Vexille:

I guess I'm after a realistic yet cartoony look with a clean gritty feel to it. Bit contridictory; trying to find a slight clash of aspects that compliments each other. I found the art of Benjamin particularly striking in the the way he uses colour and the technique he uses to blur the colours together, creating a very bold image that stands of the page. The art work is very textured, yet the blending makes it look smooth, this is the type of look I'm after, but more subtle for my film.

For the layout of the setting, I've looked at room designs, decided with a stuio flat-esque layout. That way, everything is kept simple. The modern studio flat designs they have in the Ikea seem pretty promising. Some further image searching of student rooms to give that edgey look on top of that and I'm thinking that's the kind of look I'm after. Here are some examples:

On another note, this pic of Yoshi is a good reference of how I want the main character to look, but taller and more lanky:

It's a pretty good starting point for character design. I like the fact he's wearing shoes, I reckon the Lizard will be wearing some nice Converse looking shoes and a tie; a nice lil accessory I think.
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