Monday, 14 December 2009

2nd Animatic 24/11/09

This is the 2nd animatic, with changes and CGI background slowly being put into place.

- Need to rethink camera angles, far too samey
- Need to think about pacing, seems abit slow and drags abit
- Need to finish the animatic fully, still lacks animation, which means it's losing readability, will Flash animate.
- Consider whether a soundtrack is needed or can the tv be playing constantly in the background. Maybe have the commentator in the background, commentating on the football match, which also commentates on the actual happennings between the Egg and Axl.

1st Animatic 11/11/2009

This is the first animatic:

After showing this in rushes, things that I noted to change were:
- To make the Egg gag shorter, people laughed at the initial serving the egg, a fried egg, so no need to play it out any longer.
- Need to emphasise on his gut wrenching feeling, it doesn't show as well
- Emphasise the channel changing, the point where Axl finally flips
- Have better music

Character Design

I'm thinking of using a thin lanky character, because it'd be easier to animate in 3Ds Max, compared to the fiddliness of a large bulky character. Having long limbs would make movement alot easier and more pronounced in the animation. I think this will be a good effect as there is little dialogue in my film, concentrating more on body language. Hopefully having large eyes, heavy pronounced use of eyebrows and easily exaggerated long gangly limbs shall help conveying the message across to the audience.

Characters such as Basil Fawlty come into mind; his exaggerated, at times manic, body movements when he is irrate stand out in particular. He also has some pretty impressive facial features which may bear some influence.

Of course, my character isn't going to be human. This is to detract from reality in a way and as the character is going to be a generic lizard creature, retain a cartoony feel. This is also keeping to good old Tom and Jerry and Droopy Dog-esque characters; animals with human qualities. Anthropomorphism at it's best.

Here is a rough character design sheet showing front, side and 3/4 view as well as some expressions.

From this, I modelled the character out of plastercine, to get an idea of proportions and a physical form to refer to whilst modelling the character on Max. Here are some photos:

Using these as a guide, I have started to model my character, the plan is to spend time on modelling Axl then using the finished mesh, scaling it down and using it for the Baby. The baby is essentially Axl's mesh, scaled down and given some baby fat using abit of mesh alterations. Here's what I have so far :



Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Latest Storyboards

Here's the 3rd set of storyboards:

Sunday, 8 November 2009

More Inspriation Stuff

I found this animation called "The Cat Came Back" by Cordell Barker (1988), it has a similar story to that of mine. Thought a post on here of it would be merited, also, there's not much video footage influence posted here either yet. So here's the first.

Here's an example of Droopy. You just can't escape him...


This is a collection of visuals I collected of things I thought maybe helpful. These include facial expressions, cgi reptiles and room layouts.


Right, so here's the first go at the story boards. This one is based from the initial idea.

These helped me with seeing how the story was going to read. The camera angles and most the shots needed to be editted due to the horizon line being very high, giving it a voyueristic view; a detached feeling, so the audience wouldn't feel part of it. So more close ups and lower horizons needed.
The Egg coming through the window idea jarred with Rob and Johnny. So after talking to them about it, it needs changing. I've decided to go for the Droppy-esque "No matter where you put him, he'll always come back" idea. Now back to the drawing board!

Here's the 2nd go, with more interesting shots and alot more boards...

After putting these into Premier, in the 3 minutes, some of it feels too rushed with too many shots for a particular scene. So going to have to go through and edit out the unecessary frames. Also there doesn't seem to be enough emphasis on the importance of the can tower to the character and now seems out of place. Instead, I'm going to have the Egg bounce off the walls, tables and sofa after being dropkicked and hit the TV instead, as there is quite abit of emphasis of Axl trying to watch the match; it flows better that way, so just a couple more shots to make it clearer. That way it can be based in one room as well, saving time of modelling an outdoors set. So the stacking shots can be taken out, but I'm keeping the can opening shots as they can be a useful way to transition between shots/scenes. 3rd (and hopefully final) storyboards to be up soon, following the script I posted before post.

Initial Character Doodles

Not much, but here's a couple of pages of quick doodles for the main character.
Final character sheet to come soon.

Who's The Daddy?

It's been a while since I've posted, so get ready for some catch up posts...Here is the script.

IN DARKNESS: Sounds of moving and groaning can be heard

*TV clicks on*

Title Screen comes into focus. The channel flips over and screen of “The Big Match” appears on screen.


CLOSE UP: A beer can is opened, it fizzes and froths

*Generic football commentary can be heard in the background*

ZOOM OUT: A lizard, Axl, is sat on the sofa, holding out a can which is overflowing. He reaches out to grab a slice of pizza from the pizza box on his right and uses it to catch the beer. He then proceeds to eat the slice.


Birds are seen flying in the blue sky between thick white clouds; a sunny day.

Camera tracks down to show some bushes.

An egg tentatively emerges from the bushes and rolls towards the edge of the hill.


Axl sits up as the football commentary starts to get more exciting


The Egg begins to build up pace, we see the Egg’s destination; a single house.


Axl leans towards the TV spilling his drink, getting more excited as his team are getting closer to scoring.


The Egg is rolling at high speed down the hill; it hits a single stone in its path and flies into the air.

We see it heading towards the door of the house.


Axl jumps up just as the crowd on the TV begin to roar, the commentator can be heard shouting “HE SHOOTS!”


The door bell distracts Axl, he misses the goal. Axl’s eyes narrow, his pupils look towards his left.


The door swings open, Axl standing in the doorway, annoyed; no one can be seen. He hears movement. Axl leans down, an egg can be seen sitting on the porch. Axl looks at it puzzlingly.

It starts to jump up and down. Axl looks shocked, but thinks it’s cool.

Door slams shut.


Axl puts the egg on the table and looks at it more closely. He suddenly leans back, he remembers the Big Match.


Axl and the Egg are seen sat on the sofa watching the match. Axl gives the Egg a can of beer, before opening himself a can and taking a swig. His tummy rumbles.


CLOSE UP: Axl opening a box of eggs.

ZOOM OUT: Revealing Axl holding a frying pan, frying some eggs.


Axl hands a plate of fried eggs to the Egg as he sits down with a plate of his own. He looks down at the Egg and the Egg returns the look. Axl gives it a puzzled look of “what’s up?” The Egg starts spinning on the spot and “faints”, Axl double tracks, looks at the Egg and the fried eggs on the plate. He pauses for a moment, before slowly dragging the plate of fried eggs away.

Sat watching the match again; noises can be heard. The Egg begins to fidget and move about, nudging Axl, annoying him. Axl glares at the Egg as it continues to bounce, making the sofa squeak in the process. Axl has enough, picks up the Egg and puts it in the cupboard.

He lies down on the sofa to carry on watching the match. The Egg is seen rolling back into the scene, stopping in front of the TV. Axl ignores it. The Egg begins to bounce up and down. Axl sits up annoyed, the Egg continues to jump up and down, spinning and “dancing”. Axl’s eyes narrow. He picks up the egg and throws it to one side as he leaves the room.

Another can of beer is opened. Axl is seen coming back into the room whilst pouring the beer into his mouth. He stops suddenly and leans forward in shock. The Egg is on the sofa bouncing up and down on the remote, flicking through the channels. He hears a snippet of commentary: “He goes for it!” the channel flicks over. It flicks over again, the crowd can be heard cheering, the commentator says “Goal of the Season for sure!”. Axl’s face drops in disappointment. He has had enough.

Axl picks up the Egg, glares at it and drop kicks it in anger. It bounces of the walls, the table and the sofa before flying directly towards the TV.



Axl can be seen in utter shock and disbelief. He blinks twice. The TV is on the floor, sparking. Static can be heard. He slowly lifts it up. He stops as he notices egg shell underneath the TV. He picks it up and finds the floor has a gooey substance to it. A worried look comes onto Axl’s face. He looks up at the TV screen; it’s covered in goo. The TV focuses again, a news report is broadcast. The top bar of the screen reads “MURDERER”, Axl’s reflection looks back at him in place of the actual broadcasted picture. Axl hangs his head and starts to whimper and sob; shaking his head slowly.

The TV can be heard flicking over; a faint murmur of football commentary can be heard. Axl looks up tearfully, bottom lip quivering. He looks confused. He turns around and sees a small Baby Lizard sat on the sofa holding the TV remote. Axl looks shocked and relieved. The Baby Lizard gives him a wink and whips out a can of beer, offering it to Axl. A small grin appears on Axl’s teary face. A can of beer is opened.



Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Aesthetic, Visuals and Similar Things

Right, so now for aesthetic influences, visuals and the lark...
I was originally thinking of doing cell shaded cgi, Adam's reaction wasn't one of support, a simple "Nooooooooooooooooooo" uttered and there goes those prospects. Anyway, the idea behind doing cellshaded cgi was to have a cartoony feel to the cgi as cgi that's too realistic, clean and polished doesn't really appeal, plus in the time span, I don't think it's possible. Here's some cell shaded cgi stuff that I liked and although I'm no longer going for that route, I still like the look of it and want to aim for something similar using the power of lighting!
Images of Afro Samurai, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker and Vexille:

I guess I'm after a realistic yet cartoony look with a clean gritty feel to it. Bit contridictory; trying to find a slight clash of aspects that compliments each other. I found the art of Benjamin particularly striking in the the way he uses colour and the technique he uses to blur the colours together, creating a very bold image that stands of the page. The art work is very textured, yet the blending makes it look smooth, this is the type of look I'm after, but more subtle for my film.

For the layout of the setting, I've looked at room designs, decided with a stuio flat-esque layout. That way, everything is kept simple. The modern studio flat designs they have in the Ikea seem pretty promising. Some further image searching of student rooms to give that edgey look on top of that and I'm thinking that's the kind of look I'm after. Here are some examples:

On another note, this pic of Yoshi is a good reference of how I want the main character to look, but taller and more lanky:

It's a pretty good starting point for character design. I like the fact he's wearing shoes, I reckon the Lizard will be wearing some nice Converse looking shoes and a tie; a nice lil accessory I think.

Story development

Thought it was about time to write here...So here it is, starting from the beginning, a quick overview of the story development. So originally, the idea was: "An Emporer penguin, who lives a carefree life, gets tied down when he has to incubate an egg". A basic story of the "Reluctant Father" not wanting to accept the responsibility. Influences from Jungle2Jungle, Big Daddy, The Simpsons: And Maggie Makes Three.
Adam suggested changing the main character, as a CGI penguin would instantly be compared to any Pixar have already done, examples include; Surf's Up, Happy Feet, the Pixar short etc. Also, CGI isn't great for big wobbly characters and the anatomy of a penguin doesn't aloow for easy animation, ie short stumpy legs. From this, I sat down and from a list, which included sea horse and insects, decided to go with a lizard. Lanky, simple features and biped. The main character would take characteristics from a Mr Bean-esque character, the way he handles situations-viewing everything as a hindrance. Also the relationship Mr Bean has with his Teddy is an interesting point to look at. Just wants to get on with things his way, simple carefree. The Egg is the "hindrance". I like the idea of the Egg having a mind of it's own, rolling about inadvertently "demanding" attention, similar to the way young children do.

Here's what I have from this point till the actually formulation of the script.

One line synopsis of film:
A Lizard, who lives a carefree life, gets tied down when he has to care for an egg.

Overview of story:
- Opens the door one morning to discover an egg on his doorstep.
- Attached to the egg is a post-it note reading "This is Yours".
- Decides to look after it, albeit grudgingly.
-Tries to carry on with his usual lifestyle, but finds the gg interferes in one way or another;
"demanding attention".
- Loses his cool and lashes out at the egg, dropkicking it in anger.
- Panics, regretting his actions. Egg hits the floor and cracks. He runs to the egg.
- Crack gets larger. He fears for the eggs safety.
- The egg hatches, newborn curled up inside. He realises how much it meant to him and cherishes the newborn.

I wasn't sure how to develop the middle section of the story, just having mishaps was too vague, Rob suggested I brain stormed some ideas for situations that could occur. Here's what I came up with, simple ideas that were quick and delivered the message of being "tied down".

From this, I selected three scenarios I thought would work. I decided on;
- Attempting to fry an egg for a sandwich, but the Egg "guilts" the Lizard out of cooking. He sits
down looking disheartened with a bowl of cereal.
- Lying down to watch TV, however, the Egg rolls in and blocks his view. The Lizard moves his head
to see the TV, but the egg moves in the way "demanding attention".
- Pyramid of bottles idea. Have him stack bottles in an obsessive manner, and the Egg ends up
knocking them over somehow, thus being the final straw tipping the Lizard over the edge.

Talking to Nick, he suggested having the pyramid of bottles feature more, show him stacking bottles,
that way the importance of the tower is clear. I liked this idea, making it seem like a hobby, collecting of empty beer bottles. (I heard all men are autistic in some way or another, the fact that they have to have a certain way of doing things, a form of order. All men collect something or other. An obsessive habit...Duno if this is true...who knows, anyway!) As the film goes on, the tower getting bigger and bigger, until the Egg knocks it over.

So then it's a matter of putting it in a script.
Next post: Aesthetic, visual references and similar things.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

So you see

Post to come sooooooooon!

Cos Logic has a Brother...